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New York State Contracts Business Office

Purchasing & Accounts Payable

This page includes various purchasing information, including Ed-data, New York State Contracts, BOCES and Other Bids. Please use this information as a resource when making purchases.

If you are making a purchase off any NYS contract, BOCES bid or Carle Place bid, please print the applicable page(s) indicating the valid dates and the pricing structure and attach it to your requisition.


Miscellaneous Purchasing Items




Conference Information


Ed-data Supplies Purchasing Platform


New York State Contracts


Carle Place has access to all 60+ Nassau BOCES bids. Due to the cost prohibitive nature of sending hardcopies to all participating Districts, BOCES has placed all of their bids online. A link to the BOCES website, and a link with instructions on how to access their bids are included below.

Other Bids


Select Policies and Regulations