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Business Office

Transportation Information and Forms

Transportation Information

  • ALL requests for transportation to non-public schools must be in writing and submitted, each year, by April 1st of the preceding school year, as per State Education Law.

  • Please complete the form(s) below to submit your request.

  • All transportation requests are filed with the District's Business Office.

  • Bus transportation is provided in accordance with the voter approved mileage limits, as follows:

        *Students in grades K-2 living more than 3/8 of a mile
        *Students in grades 3-6 living more than 1/2 mile
        *Students in grades 7-12 living more than 2 miles

*** NOTE *** Due to the difference in mileage between Cherry Lane and Rushmore Ave. schools not all students who received transportation to Cherry Lane are eligible to receive transportation to Rushmore Ave. Please click here for a complete listing of the addresses impacted.     


  • Transportation to out-of-district schools is provided up to a 15-mile limit.
  • Pierce Coach provides the in-district transportation and can be reached at 516 621-2210.

Transportation Forms