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What is the District's Reopening Plan?  


In response to the global pandemic, the Carle Place Union Free School District has developed comprehensive plans for the reopening of schools for the 2021-22 academic school year. We are committed to providing the safest learning environment possible by minimizing any risk that cannot be eliminated, while delivering a high-quality in-person instructional program, and nurturing the social-emotional and mental wellness of our students.


The Reopening Plan defines our plans and protocols for the reopening of our schools, and is aligned with the regulations and guidance provided by the New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) and the New York State Education Department (NYSED). The Reopening Plan was based upon a plan that was developed with input from stakeholders throughout our learning community, many of whom are members of our PTA, our Reopening Task Force, our Board of Education, our Unions, and/or our District Safety Team. Input from community members and staff were also considered, as were the recommendations of our architects and safety consultants.


The reopening plan will be submitted to the State and the Department of Health, as requested by Governor Hochul.  The district’s COVID-19 coordinator is Dr. Christine Finn.  She can reached at


Where can I find the most up-to-date  information regarding the reopening plans and anything else related to COVID-19?

Check out our informational page on the updated website:





What are the requirements for face coverings?


All students and staff will be required to wear masks/face coverings.

The district has and will maintain an inventory of face masks for students, staff, and visitors that arrive without one.


Do they have to wear the mask all the time?


Face coverings are required at all times, except for mask breaks, meals and during recess or outdoor physical education. During instruction, the district will allow time for brief “mask breaks” for students. During the breaks, there must be at least six feet between individuals.


My child cannot wear a mask because of medical reasons. Can s/he still come to school?


Yes, but they must have detailed and proper medical documentation in order to forgo wearing a mask. They will need to adhere to the six feet of social distancing protocols during the school day.


Can my child wear a face shield?


Yes, but they will need to also wear a mask. At times, students and staff may use alternate PPE (i.e., face coverings that are transparent at or around the mouth) for instruction or interventions that require visualization of the movement of the lips and/or mouths (e.g., speech therapy). These alternate coverings may also be used for certain students (e.g., hearing impaired) who benefit from being able to see more of the face of the staff member. Face shields are not a substitute for masks, which must be worn underneath the shield.




What about a gaiter or a bandana?

No, these are not masks. We will require a mask that securely covers the nose and mouth. Cloth masks should be washed regularly. We will have disposable masks available if anyone forgets a mask.


What is a mask break?


Students will be given brief mask breaks when socially distanced with the desktop barrier in place. Mask breaks will be 10 minutes.


Does my child have to wear a mask if they are sitting six feet apart and have a physical barrier on the desk?


We are utilizing a system of redundant physical protections for students that include highly recommended safety precautions (social distance and masks). Our goal is to exceed the minimum required recommendations.


Do students and staff have to maintain a 3-6-foot distance from others at all times?


Yes. Social or physical distancing means keeping at least three to six feet between yourself and other people while masked, during school.. The goal of social distancing is to limit physical contact to decrease viral spread among people in community settings, such as schools.


How will you manage social distancing during lunch?


The district will provide two rooms for lunch, as well as use of the outdoor eating areas in the courtyard. Seating areas will be marked for social distancing. Elementary students will rotate between using the lunchroom and eating in classrooms. Students will be permitted to mingle during recess.


What if a student refuses to wear a mask? What is the consequence?


All students attending the Carle Place Schools must wear masks, and a failure to follow directives of staff will result in consequences related to insubordination or endangering the health/safety and welfare of others as outlined in our current Code of Conduct. Discussion with a student or parent is highly encouraged, as are written referrals if necessary.


How many students will fit into my child’s classrooms? Are you reducing class sizes?


All classrooms have been measured to determine the capacity of each room based on social distancing guidelines of three to six feet.  The number of students in each room varies based on total square footage, layout of the room (i.e. doorways, built-in cabinetry, etc.), and furnishings.


What else are you doing to keep my child safe?


All instructional spaces have been redesigned so that students can maintain a social distance of three to six feet from one another.

Furniture placement in the classrooms has been adjusted accordingly.

Changes to foot-traffic flow through buildings have been identified to limit the amount of close contact between students in high-traffic situations.

Staggered arrival and/or dismissal times may be implemented. Your building principal will provide details.

Multiple entry/exit points may be utilized. Your building principal will provide details. .

Bathroom usage will be monitored by staff to ensure social distancing.



Are you wiping down the desks between periods at schools?


It will not be possible to wipe down every desk between every period. Masks must be worn, and hand sanitizer, paper towels, wipes and soap/water will available in all classrooms.  The district will apply a microbial solution on a regular basis to all high touch surfaces and desks, and all surfaces will be cleaned each night.


Will playground equipment be cleaned between classes?


This will not be possible on a daily basis; however, the district will provide hand sanitizing stations and hand washing breaks before and after students go outside for recess. The playground will be disinfected at the end of the day and locked. It will be checked every morning. There will be alternatives for students whose parents do not wish for them to use the playground equipment, and multiple activities that will encourage social distancing.


What cleaning materials are used?


Materials include but are not limited to green products such as:

Botanical Bioesque disinfectant solution

Diversity Oxivir Five 16 disinfectant

Diversity Oxivir Tb Wipes

Purell hand sanitizing wipes – Fresh citrus scent

Purell hand sanitizer for hands from pump

SSS foam clean hand sanitizer

Diversity Virex 256 disinfectant

Diversity D10 concentrated

Spray nine disinfectant

Diversity Glance NA Glass cleaner green seal

Diversity Prominence general purpose cleaner green se4al

Tough Guy foam hand soap green seal

GOJO hand soap green seal

Diversity Suma Break Up SC degreaser

Dymon liquid alive enzyme for drains

Ecos Pro creamy cleanser to clean the sinks

Diversity Pro  Strip

Diversity Aquaria wax

Diversity Profi degreaser


Can time spent outdoors be increased so that students have the opportunity to move around and get fresh air?


The District will maximize opportunities for students to go outside during the school day, including during instructional time for any and all subjects.  K-12 P.E. classes may be conducted outdoors, weather permitting.


What is being done to encourage hand washing?


Students and staff will be trained on proper hand-washing techniques.

Hand-sanitizer dispensers are available throughout the building.

Signage throughout the buildings will remind students and staff to wash their hands regularly.


Elementary: Time for regular hand-washing will be built into school day. Students will wash hands before lunch, upon return from recess, and any time students leave their classroom and return to their original room. Hand sanitizer will be available in every classroom.


Secondary: Regular hand-washing will be encouraged, especially before lunch. Hand sanitizer will be available in every classroom and in the lunchroom.


Is symptom screening being conducted before admission to a school building?


Before entering any school building, all students, staff, and visitors must complete a Daily Health Screening Questionnaire and confirm that:

they are not exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19,

they have not been exposed to individuals known to have tested positive for COVID-19,

they are not awaiting results from a COVID test for themselves or an immediate family member


Will you be taking everyone’s temperature?


All students, staff, and visitors must certify that they have taken their temperature before entering the buildings.

Staff will be trained to look for signs of illness and fever. 

Infrared (IR) non-touch temperature screening devices will be used to identify individuals exhibiting temperature before entering the building if no screening has occurred.

Parents must take their child’s temperature prior to sending the child to school or the bus stop and complete the Daily Health Screening Questionnaire.

No student with a temperature of 100.0° F or greater should come to school or ride the bus.

Students with temperatures of 100.0° F or greater will be directed to the nurses office and isolated in a separate space. A parent or guardian will be called to immediately pick the child up from school.

After the student has been picked up, the area will be cleaned and sanitized.

Students may return to school consistent with the protocol in the NYS DOH Regulations

The district is exploring touchless temperature scanners and thermometers in addition to the daily screening questionnaire.



What if my child has a health condition that causes a symptom, such as a headache, that is also a symptom of COVID? Will my student have to stay home?


Chronic conditions such as asthma, allergies, or gastrointestinal conditions may present the same symptoms as COVID-19, but are neither contagious nor pose a public health threat. If your child does not feel well, s/he should remain home, especially if there is no logical explanation for the symptom (i.e. too much candy = upset stomach).


What happens if my child develops symptoms at school?


If your child develops symptoms while at school. The school nurse will use their professional judgement, based on guidance from the NYSDOH and CDC, to isolate any student or staff member who has a fever or other symptoms of COVID-19 that are not explained by a chronic health condition. These individuals will need to leave the premises for follow up with a health care provider. Isolation areas have been designated for students with symptoms. Parents will be called to pick up their child


How will you know that everyone is being honest when filling out the questionnaire?


Together we must prioritize the health of all, so that our individual children can be safe. We ask that all parents work with us by keeping their sick children home.. Staff will be trained on the signs and symptoms of all possible symptoms of COVID-19 and will always err on the side of caution if there is any question that a child is unwell. If you are asked to pick up your child, you will need a letter from a medical provider that indicates that three days have passed with all symptoms resolved.







When should I keep my child home?


Students should be excluded from school if they have:

Any one (1) of the following:


Shortness of breath

Difficulty breathing

New or worsening cough


Any two of the following:

Loss of taste or smell

Sore throat


Muscle aches

Congestion/runny nose



Nausea or vomiting



When can a sick person return to school?


Schools will follow CDC guidance for allowing a student or staff member to return to school after exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19.

If a person is not diagnosed by a healthcare provider (physician, nurse practitioner, or physician assistant) with COVID-19 they can return to school:

Once there is no fever, without the use of fever reducing medicines, and they have felt well for 24 hours, and after three days with no other symptoms.


Will my child need a note from a doctor?


A medical clearance note may be required if s/he has been diagnosed with another condition and have a healthcare provider written note stating they are cleared to return to school.


What will be the protocol if a faculty/staff member or student tests positive for COVID-19?


If a student or staff member reports having tested positive for COVID-19, school administrators will notify the local health department and take whatever steps are recommended for the school community. The district will also assist the DOH with contact tracing.


Will I be notified if there is a positive case of COVID-19 in the district?


Absolutely.  Please be aware that no identifying details of the individual may be provided per federal, state, and local regulations.



Will only the building close if there is a positive case? Or the whole district?


This decision will be made on a case by case basis, depending on recommendations of the Department of Health. Generally, the district will err on the side of being conservative, so all students, staff, and community members should be prepared for school closures at any time.


If a person is diagnosed with COVID-19 by a healthcare provider based on a test or their symptoms, or does not get a COVID-19 test but has had symptoms, they should not be at school and should stay at home.


What will be the protocol for a faculty/staff member or student to be cleared to return to school following illness or diagnosis of confirmed cases of COVID-19?


It has been at least ten days since the individual first had symptoms.

It has been at least three days since the individual has had a fever (without using fever reducing medicine).

It has been at least three days since the individual’s symptoms improved, including cough and shortness of breath.


What if someone doesn’t report their positive test result to the School District?


All health care providers and testing laboratories are required to report any positive test result to the County Department of Health (DOH). The DOH will then commence a contact tracing process that will result in the school district being notified. The school district will then support the DOH’s contact tracing protocol by providing class lists and/or student schedules, for example.


Will I be told the name of anyone who tests positive for COVID-19?


No, however, you will be notified without being given any identifying details. By law, the DOH must keep medical information confidential, so contact tracing could potentially occur without the District being informed of who the individual was who tested positive. Even if the District is aware of the individual’s identity, it also must keep confidential any health-related information it obtains whether from an individual who self-reports, or through the course of supporting a DOH-led contact-tracing effort. No such information will be disclosed to any member of the general public.


What about potential exposure? Will someone contact me?


If it is determined through the contact tracing process that you or your child were potentially exposed to an individual with COVID, you will be notified and given direction on next steps to take.


What happens if a student or faculty/ staff member starts showing symptoms during the school



School buildings will have a room to isolate students or staff with symptoms of COVID-19 identified during the school day.

Students or staff will be moved safely, discreetly, and in accordance with applicable privacy laws or regulations, to the isolation room for evaluation.

The individual will be provided a mask if they are able to use one, and students will be supervised by a staff member who maintains at least six feet of distance and uses appropriate PPE.

Parents/guardians of the sick student will be contacted and asked to come pick the child up from school immediately.

After the sick student/staff member has been removed from the classroom, the remaining students will be moved out of the classroom to decrease risk of disease transmission. Subsequent classes will be temporarily relocated for the remainder of the day.

Once the students are removed from the classroom, they will thoroughly wash their hands.

The entire classroom will be cleaned and disinfected with an electrostatic mister to disinfect all touch points in the classroom (desks, chairs, tables, doorknobs, lockers, etc.).


How will health and safety protocols be enforced? Will there be consequences for those who do not follow the guidelines?


There will be ongoing communication with students, parents, and staff to ensure all are aware of the protocols. Enforcement will be handled by the school administration on an individual basis consistent with the Code of Character, Conduct and Support.





How often will classrooms, hallways, and bathrooms be cleaned?


Bi-weekly, the district will apply an antimicrobial treatment that lasts for 90 days.

Along with their daily cleaning requirements, the custodial team will increase the frequency of disinfecting surfaces, such as high-touch surfaces in common areas and in all classrooms and athletic areas.

All custodians have and will continue to receive ongoing training in cleaning protocols

Throughout the school day, custodial workers will clean and disinfect high touch points and surfaces (door knobs, light switches, push bars, stairwell handrails, and ledges), hallway and health office bathrooms.

The custodial staff will clean classroom chairs and desks required, utilizing multi-surface cleaner or alcohol wipes.

The custodial staff will spot mop, dust mop, clean and disinfect each classroom, classroom bathroom, nurse office, offices, gymnasium, multi-purpose room and high touch points with one of the District’s disinfectant products.

Bi-weekly, the custodial staff will clean, disinfect and apply a microbial product on classroom, bathroom and other surfaces. This will protect surfaces from microbes for up to 90 days.


Will filters be changed?


The custodial staff will be changing all our HVAC system filters in our uni-vents on a monthly basis. All window air conditioners and ductless systems will be cleaned on a monthly basis. Merv 13 filters have been installed in our AC package units. Merv 8 filters have been installed in our classroom uni-vents.


Will all classrooms be air conditioned, as it will be difficult to wear masks when it is hot outside?


All classrooms will be air conditioned. Masks are not required outdoors.





Will visitors be allowed in the buildings?


Outside visitors and volunteers will be allowed in school building for essential and/or necessary functions only, such as picking up a child.

PTA, Civic Association and Scouting groups may utilize the buildings with proper permits. See Sally Pine in the Facilities office for assistance. (516-622-6424)

All visitors will be required to wear face coverings/masks and maintain social distancing at all times.



Will facilities be available for outside use after school?


At this time, we plan on allowing outside organizations who wish to use district facilities during the evenings or on weekends. Please contact Sally Pine in the Facilities office for assistance. (516-622-6424)




What will in-person instruction look like at the elementary level?


All students in grades K-12 will attend in-person Monday through Friday with normal school day hours

Instruction is delivered in-person, in class sizes appropriate for each individual space.

Each space in the building has been evaluated for occupancy with appropriate social distancing. The number of students in a classroom will reflect the need to ensure that students’ desks/seats are positioned no less than six feet apart.

Free classrooms and instructional spaces within each building will be utilized with a focus on small group instruction when possible.

The student schedule will allow for breaks and recess opportunities.


Remote Learning:

In the event that an entire class or school is quarantined, students and teachers will pivot to remote instruction.


Livestreaming (i.e.: Screenshare and Live Audio from the Classroom):

In the event that a student is quarantined or diagnosed with Covid-19, access to livestreaming will be provided by the classroom teacher. Students who are absent for reasons unrelated to Covid-19, are not eligible for livestreaming.


The purpose of livestreaming is to maintain continuity of instruction while students are quarantined. The interactive capabilities of livestreaming vary according to age. Particularly at the elementary levels, livestreaming is not meant to serve as one-to-one or small group instruction. However, it offers students the opportunity to listen and follow lessons while working independently from home. The primary focus of the teacher is to consistently deliver the highest quality of instruction to students present in the physical classroom. Livestreaming should not detract or derail classroom instruction.


Role of the Teacher / Expectations:

  • All teachers (classroom, special area, special education & AIS teachers) will be notified by the building principal of confirmed cases of Covid-19 or quarantine. Livestreaming should begin the following day.
  • Digital lesson materials can be posted or shared through the camera. Other lesson materials such as textbooks, workbooks, notebooks/journals and reading materials will be made available for parents to pick up prior to the day of instruction. 
  • Technical difficulties should not compromise classroom instruction. In the event of technical issues, either in-house or on the part of the remote learner, it is recommended that the teacher do their best to quickly troubleshoot or improvise. After which time, the teacher must resume and redirect their focus to classroom instruction. 
  • Cameras will be turned on during periods of direct instruction


                 Cherry Lane

      • Classroom teachers will provide 1 hour of live instruction in core subject areas. (Teacher will provide/post a schedule for the student.)
      • Special education and AIS teachers/service providers will livestream during regularly scheduled periods.
      • Special area teachers will livestream during regularly scheduled periods. Alternate or modified assignments can be provided as needed.



      • Grade 6 teachers will follow the regular schedule and livestream during core subject periods.
      • Grades 3-5 classroom teachers will provide 1.5 hours of live instruction in core subject areas. (Teacher will provide/post a schedule for the student.)
      • Special education and AIS teachers/service providers will livestream during regularly scheduled periods.
      • Special area teachers will livestream during regularly scheduled periods. Alternate or modified assignments can be provided as needed.



  • Teachers will follow the regular class schedule.
  • Special education and AIS teachers/service providers will livestream during regularly scheduled periods.
  • All special area teachers will livestream during regularly scheduled periods. Alternate or modified assignments can be provided when necessary.


Protection of Privacy:

  • Cameras will face the front board (or Smart Board) and not compromise the privacy of students in the classroom.
  • Audio can be muted and cameras can be turned off at the discretion of the teacher at any time. 
  • Parents assisting children from home during livestreamed lessons are expected to respect the privacy afforded all students in the classroom setting.
  • Taking pictures or video of any class interactions, classmates or the teacher is prohibited.


            Role of the Student / Expectations:

  • Students are expected to login on time to classroom instruction.
  • It is recommended that students wear headphones or work in a quiet area free of distractions.
  • When questions cannot be answered in real time, students should post questions in the “chat” or “class comments” sections of Google Classroom or Seesaw.
  • Students are expected to complete and submit assignments to the best of their ability. 



If we need to transition to a fully remote model, what will that look like?


This would only be done in the event of school closure related to quarantine or inclement weather. Students will engage in a combination of in-person learning and remote instruction.

Teachers will take attendance every period

Students must keep their cameras engaged.

The district’s schedule for virtual learning will be structured consistently throughout the district.

AM/PM instruction would take place daily with all teachers.

Teachers will provide daily live instruction, Monday through Friday, through Google Classroom.

All school district expectations for student attendance, grading, participation, and conduct apply.

Students will experience a combination of whole group and small group instruction as well as independent work assigned by the teacher.

In addition, a full complement of special area classes and special education, ENL services will be provided.


What will happen during asynchronous time? Will my child be on his or her own?


Independent work, small group instruction and/or extra help will be scheduled and available to all students. Schedules will be made available to parents.  

Remote grade level schedules will be posted on Google sites for easy access and planning for parents even if school is in session in person.

In the event of a sudden school closure, students will be able to transition to a remote model easily.


I do not want my child to return to school? What options are available for me?


There will be no remote option available on a daily basis (School within a School.) All students should report to school in-person. If you would like information about homeschooling your child, please contact Eileen Fredericks.


If a student is enrolled in in-person instruction but is absent due to a quarantine, can that student engage in virtual instruction?


If the quarantine period is for a significant length of time, remote instruction will be provided within 24 hours.




What will be done to address the needs of students with IEP’s and special services?


The provision of a free and appropriate public education (FAPE) to eligible students identified by the Committee on Special Education (CSE) remains within the school reopening plan.

Special education programs, related services, and supplemental aids/services are provided to students as listed in the student’s Individual Education Plan (IEP) to the greatest extent possible to consistently protect the health/safety of students with disabilities and those providing the services.

All accommodations, modifications, supplemental aids/services and assistive technology interventions are provided to students to the greatest extent possible.

This would include the provision of mainstreaming opportunities within the general education program as identified in a student’s IEP.

Parent procedural safeguards remain in place.

Student referrals to CSE continue to be accepted.

CPSE/CSE, 504, and teacher meetings will be held remotely.

In a Hybrid instructional model, HS Life Skills students will attend in-person sessions every day, along with students in grades K-8.


Will a student with an accommodation to take exams in a testing room still be able to do so?


Yes, testing accommodations will be provided to students keeping with all health/safety protocols.


What improvements have been made to the virtual model that was implemented in the 2020?


The virtual learning platform has been significantly advanced and will provide an improved experience for students, staff and families.

Feedback from parents and faculty on the virtual learning program implemented in the past has been incorporated into the plans going forward.

Investments have been made in online lessons and resources so teachers can focus more of their attention on instruction and students.

The parent portal will be opened for parents and students so that they can monitor their child’s grades and performance.




Will there be any additional SEL supports in place for students?


Nurturing the social-emotional and mental well-being of students will be essential to resuming a life in school.

We are committed to maintaining an emotionally and physically safe, supportive, and engaging learning environment to promote all students’ social and emotional well-being and development.

The district recognizes that many students have experienced loss, financial instability, or the disruption of social isolation. We know, after this prolonged closure, many of our students will require social-emotional support to help them re-engage and re-enter school.



What resources will be available to my child?


The District will provide the following resources to address mental health, behavioral, and emotional support for both students and staff:

General social-emotional learning/mental health resources are provided on the District website to all families, students, and staff.

Counselors, Social Workers, BCBAs, and Psychologists are available to support in-district and to assist in making referrals.

Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) supports will be provided to all students to not only offer SEL skill-building, but also provide an opportunity for staff to have proactive check-ins with students to identify student SEL and mental health needs.

Referrals are made to community agencies, clinics, hospitals, private psychiatrists and therapists, community groups. Referrals are culturally appropriate and are made depending on the families financial/insurance needs.

McKinney-Vento supports are in place remotely and in school, supporting families while maintaining confidentiality.

Training for faculty and staff is available and will address various challenges regarding student tolerance for PPE and/or new health and safety procedures.



What is the District doing to ensure consistency among grade levels and buildings?


All building and district level administrators meet regularly to plan, troubleshoot and evaluate programs.


Are teachers being offered professional development to ensure the same level of proficiency with the online l earning tools?


Professional development is available to teachers, including a comprehensive teacher support platform of digital resources and a professional development calendar of online classes.

Prior to the start of the next school year, professional development will take place during the Superintendent’s conference days.

Building principals have also met frequently to collaborate, strategize and plan at a District level.

In addition, the District had teachers participate in curriculum development work this summer to ensure a more comprehensive library of lessons and learning experiences for students district-wide.


Will standardized testing still be taking place this year?


The administration of New York State standardized testing for Grades 3 - 8 and Regents examination will be determined as per federal and state guidelines.

District administered standardized testing for academic progress monitoring is scheduled as usual

Standardized testing for the identification of students in need of special education services is available.


Will clubs be offered this year? Can they be offered virtually?


Extracurricular activities are an important part of the rich breadth of educational opportunities offered in Carle Place Schools and will meet in person unless otherwise indicated.


Will SCOPE still be available?


SCOPE will be available. Please contact your building administrator.



How will music curriculum classes (band, orchestra, choral groups) be taught under social distancing practices?


Every effort will be made to run Ensemble Groups with the following criteria:

Social Distancing with clearly marked spaces, separate entrances and exits.

Cleaning of stands and instruments will take place throughout the day.

Wind instruments will not be shared by students.

School-owned instruments must be assigned to individual students and not shared between students in different based.

In order to minimize the use of shared drumsticks and mallets, students should have their own stick bags.

Shared instruments must be wiped down with a disinfectant cloth after each use.

Chorus protocols:

If singing indoors, students will wear masks and be 3-6 feet apart

Social distancing of 3-6 feet must be maintained, with or without masks.

Music appreciation and listening activities, review of videotaped singing at home, and other general music activities may occur.









Will breakfast and lunch meals be available for purchase?


The District will continue to provide all students access to school meals each day whether the students are in school or learning remotely. In all cases, the District will enforce appropriate rules for social distancing and will encourage hand-washing before and after eating.


All meals will be compliant with NYSED Child Nutrition meal pattern requirements.


Where will students eat lunch?


Elementary students will rotate eating lunch in their classrooms. MSHS school students will eat lunch in specially designated areas, which will be cleaned and disinfected between each of the lunch periods.


What precautions are food servers taking?


Like all staff, food service workers will follow the COVID-19 Mitigation Protocols and safety training, including the following:

PPE Protocols;

Employee Health Monitoring;

Increased sanitation measures:

More frequent cleaning of all surfaces;

CDC hospital grade disinfectants;

Health & Respiratory Hygiene Training;

Social Distancing


What precautions will be taken for students with food allergies?


The existing point of sale (POS) system will ensure attentiveness to students’ with allergies at all levels.

School nurses will identify students with food allergies to staff working with these students.

Particular attention will be paid to ensure that students are maintaining separation from identified food allergens during lunch in the classroom.

Social distancing and the use of desk partitions will mitigate the spread of allergens.

Moreover, the established room cleaning protocol will ensure that any surface area which may potentially retain food allergens will be thoroughly disinfected.





How often will buses be cleaned?


Cleaning and disinfecting of buses will take place daily by the District’s transportation contractors.


All interior surfaces of school vehicles will be sanitized and disinfected daily.

Every day, all high contact surfaces (handrails, seat corners, etc.) will be re-sprayed using that same product.







Will students be required to wear masks on buses?


Students will be required to wear masks on the bus (a supply of masks will be given to all drivers should students arrive at the bus without a mask).

School bus drivers, monitors and attendants are required to wear face masks and any drivers, monitors and attendants that have direct physical contact with a child will wear gloves.


What if my child is unable to medically tolerate wearing a face covering on a bus?


Face coverings on the bus will not be required for students where such covering would impair their health.


Will bus drivers be screened for COVID-19?


Upon arrival to work each morning and afternoon, all transportation employees are screened for symptoms of COVID-19. This screening includes verification that the employee is not suffering from the CDC identified symptoms.





How will physical education classes take place?


All K-12 P.E. classes will be encouraged to hold classes outdoors, weather permitting.

Handwashing will take place after each session.


Will there be any middle school and high school sports?


Sports are scheduled to begin as usual. High risk athletes will be required to test weekly.

Athletes must abide by social distancing rules and not congregate in large groups.

Coaches will reinforce social distancing and PPE guidelines.

Equipment, uniforms, water bottles, towels or any other individual items may never be shared between athletes.

All clothing and cloth items must be taken home daily for cleaning.

Hard equipment will be sanitized after each practice or game.

Teams will stagger practices to avoid cross contact.

Off- site practices will be on hold until further notice.